Apple Pencil 2 Silicon Sleeve and Grip from Taobao

I always find the apple pencil is made too slender and petite for me, therefore it slips often in my fingers when I draw or when I am just holding it. When I am so used to the Wacom stylus that has a 1.4cm grip diameter compared to a 0.8-0.9cm grip diameter of the Apple Pencil. For the latter I tend to grip tighter. So I went in search for something to correct this and I found a silicon sleeve for the Pencil from a Chinese shopping site called The sleeve is anti-slip and besides, it also increase the grip diameter to 1cm. Not a lot but it feels good. Now the Pencil doesn't feel like it is going to slip from my fingers at any moment. Just 2 years ago I damaged a Gen 1 Pencil when it slipped through my fingers and landed on cement floor. For the Gen 1 Apple Pencil, I took the rubber bunker off from a used ball point pen to double up as a grip, and it works very well. 
There are even 5 others colours to choose from. Pink!! LOL! The package came with 2 sleeves for the pen tip but I think they are useless, even though you are still able to use them on the screen.
If you know Chinese, search for 博音苹果第二代apple pencil2保护套二代笔套 on the shopping site.
If you are thinking whether the sleeve affects pairing and charging, no it doesn't. It doesn't change the magnetic strength to attach the Pencil on the iPad too.
Here's a pic of my Gen 1 Apple Pencil with the ball point pen grip. Rob Sketcherman gave me the yellow rubber cap for my Pencil.

And how the Pencil looks with the new grip sleeve. 

And don't get too hooked with the Snapseed Chat face morphing function. :D

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