Sketching Han Sai Por (by Don Low)

Sculptor Han Sai Por (b. 19 July 1943, Singapore - ) is well-known for her sculptures carved in stone, bringing to life figurative forms and organic shapes to hefty granite blocks. She has exhibited her works internationally in Southeast Asia, China, South Korea, North America and Europe. Some of her works are on permanent displays in Singapore's hotels, libraries and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) stations as well as in parks of Malaysia, Japan, United States and England. Han was awarded the 1995 Cultural Medallion for her contribution to art. 

Caricature portrait of Ms Han Sai Por

INFO from: I actually met her in person at Goodman Arts Centre. She was just opening the door to her studio when I walked by. It took me some courage to greet her as I was afraid she might not be happy for a stranger to greet her for no good reason. She turned slowly when I called her name and smiled slightly. I introduced myself to her and told her it was an honour for me to be able to meet her in person. Surprisingly she somehow knew me and revealed that she saw my portrait caricature of her on Facebook. What a relief. So I was no stranger. I asked her whether I could take a look at her studio. She said ok without hesitation. It is a huge room rented from NAC. On the floor there were many sculptures and some prototypes. She has a canvas in the middle of the room and trolleys carrying her tools. Some sketches on the tables. I believe they are future projects. I stayed for just a short 10 mins and bid farewell. Before leaving she gave me a brochure of her latest exhibits and works. I left with a big smile on my face.

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