My Painting Station & the Painting Brushes I am using.

Painting Brushes
Some of my Painting Brushes
My Painting Station
I have been testing out brushes, mostly synthetic bristles for painting watercolour. My favourite nylon brushes are from Escoda, and are endorsed by Joseph Zbukvic and the bristles are white talon (according to Wiki, Taklon is the common name for a synthetic fiber used in artist-quality paint, makeup and pin stripe brushes). Simply a type of nylon.

Subsequently I discovered Mixed Goat's hair introduced by a local art supply store, Straits Co., that produces the brushes themselves through a overseas manufacturer. They call it the ColorPro Series. The brushes come in various sizes but I only prefer to use the flat brushes. Mixing nylon and natural hair allows the bristles to contain relatively more water and feels less bouncy that a flat brush with all synthetic bristles.

It becomes a different story when I decided to purchase the more expensive natural hair brushes. I did not buy them in one shot, but over a couple of years I got the sizes i wanted and painted more with them. I fell in love with them immediately. They retain the point very well, hold a lot go water and pigment and is a breeze to use. I love using the Russian made Kolinsky sable brushes too. They have all the qualities of an expensive sable brush and they give even more control.

I will probably provide more user experience review reports on my brushes in the near future.
:D So stay tune.

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